3 Things I Wish I've Known About Psychological Abuse
Jan 26, 2022
Earlier this week, an executive mom asked me about psychological abuse.
How does it typically show up?
How did the abuse affect my professional performance?
How fast did I heal?
The question she forgot to ask but the question I did also answer was: how does psychological abuse affect children.
Here’s what I told her:
- Psychological abuse is also known as verbal, mental, or emotional abuse. Demeaning statements cause harm to the victim and affect the victim’s mental and physical well-being. The statements are most often attack the victim’s competence (“I can’t trust you; you’re indecisive, you’re just a weak mummy”) or character (e.g., “You’re a lazy, unpopular, loser, fat, ugly, liar”).
Psychological abuse is typically associated with negative voice tones, disregardful behavior, excessive teasing, and demeaning statements about the victim or people whom the victim likes (e.g. friends, family members, colleagues).
Had I known this – I’d have left the relationship years earlier.
Because I SAW THE SIGNS very early on. I just hadn’t become a victim – yet.
- The abuse affected my performance – and with that my career and financial wealth – without knowing. I had become a victim of the situation and adjusted when required. I canceled client trips because my ex didn’t support me working abroad. And when 2 became 3, I declined international job offerings because I feared for my daughter’s mental and physical well-being.
- When I decided to no longer be a victim of the harmful threats following the divorce, my healing journey just took off!
I’ve healed the trauma faster than psychologists had estimated and my development is noticed by many others.
And the better gets better. My daughter’s mental and physical well-being has now no limits. Knowing how mentally vulnerable she was just 12 months ago, it fills my heart with joy and makes me really, really proud that I can teach myself, teach my clients how to create better and more abundant life and how I help my daughter heal from her trauma.
This makes me state this: when you master your mindset, when you are willing to work on yourself and learn how to use methods and tools like the power of your thoughts, better-feeling stories and living in the now, everything is possible!
If you are a mom, you NEED to know this …
Many moms don’t know but they should!
Psychological abuse affects children and can cause severe psychological harm throughout childhood.
If you’re a mom and a victim of psychological abuse, you don’t have the capacity to observe how the family environment affects your children. That makes so much sense. You try to survive each and every moment.
The thing is, very few parents know how the toxic family environment severely harms their children emotionally, socially, psychologically, and physically. And very few therapists ask the question “how are you doing at home?”
So …
Dear Mom, YOU got the power to choose how you want to live your life.
If you have children, you have the accountability to give your children the best life ever.
It never is too late not to change. ACT. NOW!
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