Get Paid Your Worth: A Guide for Leaders

#bycalbergcoaching #futureleaders #leadership by camilla calberg get paid your worth: a guide for leaders guide for leaders leaders May 08, 2023

In today's ever-changing and forever "re-org" pharma business landscape, it can be challenging to negotiate fair compensation for your skills and experience. Many hiring managers and organisations are hesitant or unwilling to pay what you're truly worth.

As an experienced executive advisor, I've encountered this challenge multiple times in my career. And I know the consequences of not being paid what I believe I was worth. I was determined to shift my experience. Working with mentors and coaches I learned that with the right mindset, tools, and strategies, you can overcome these obstacles and get paid what you're worth. 


Today, I will share 4 principles that I have used on my journey and a special offer for entrepreneurs and leaders looking to improve their compensation negotiation skills.


Let me share a client story to illustrate the point I am trying to make. Last year, a client executive asked for help. He was offered an executive advisor position with a ridiculously low hourly salary. He recognised that this was not a fair reflection of her worth. He worked with me to strengthen her mindset and set his own boundaries around his value. Within a few months, he had attracted higher-paying customers and was earning the income he deserved.


This is what we worked on...


4 Principles that will generate more success, time and freedom


1. Define your specific wisdom.

What is it only you can do which no one else can do? To stand out in a crowded job market, you need to have specific skills or expertise that differentiate you from others. Identify your unique talents, and focus on how they can add value to your organisation. It could be your ability to solve complex problems, your capability to build strong relationships or your experience working in a particular industry. Understanding your specific wisdom will help you better negotiate your worth and communicate the value you bring to an organization.


2. Define Your Worth.

You have a whole life experience. You have learned. You know what works and what doesn’t work. Don't undervalue your worth or let others influence how much you think you should earn. An honest assessment of your skills, experience, and achievements will help you set your own value. Make sure you have done your research on salary ranges in your industry and location. Don't be afraid to ask for what you are worth, and be prepared to back it up with evidence of your value to the organization.


3. Believe in Yourself.

You will meet people who will try to down-negotiate your value. These people aren't worth your energy or time. Don't let their opinion influence you. If you know your worth, stay true to yourself, and don't be afraid to walk away from a low-paying job offer. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you and your capabilities. Self-belief and self-confidence are crucial in presenting yourself as a valuable asset to any organization.


4. Work on your limitations around money.

Many people have limiting beliefs around money, which can prevent them from asking for what they are worth. For instance, you may believe that money is evil or that making too much money means you are greedy. These beliefs can hold you back from earning what you deserve. Start viewing money as energy or as a tool to achieve your goals. Understanding your relationship with money can help you overcome any limiting beliefs and feel comfortable asking for what you are worth.


Conclusion - don't skip this part:

Getting paid what you are worth is an integral part of career success and a healthy mind. Remember to define your specific wisdom and worth, believe in yourself, and work on your limitations around money. These principles can help you confidently set a salary expectation and negotiate a salary that reflects your true value.

Defining your worth is a journey that requires you to identify your limiting beliefs, expand your belief system around money, and discover your value. At this moment, I’m opening up a 90-day money program to help entrepreneurs and leaders get paid for what they're worth. If you’re interested, please leave a DM for me.




PS: Believing in yourself and charging your worth is a crucial battle for every leader. Don't allow anyone to down-negotiate your value. There is always someone who recognises your worth and is willing to pay for it. Remember, you hold the unique gift that no one else possesses. Charge your worth and let your unique wisdom shine through. I hope to see you at the complimentary audio Leadership Seminar this Thursday April 28th where we will explore the topic in more details. It's 4:30 PM CEST. On LinkedIn.

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