Ready to Shift? Here’s How ...

Sep 16, 2024

Let’s cut to it. Life can feel heavy. Stress. Doubt. Uncertainty. It hits us all. But here’s the truth: None of it controls you - unless you let it.

I had a moment recently where I forgot that. Things weren’t going well with my daughter at school, and I felt stuck.

Then I remembered: The power to change it all was in my hands.

It wasn’t the situation—it was how I chose to see it. And that shifted everything.

That’s what I want for you. A real, tangible shift. One that brings relief, power, and clarity.

On Monday September 9th, I’m hosting a call where we’ll dive into:

  • How to ask the questions that break through the noise and get you the answers you need
  • How to shift your perspective fast so you stop giving stress and fear more power than they deserve
  • How to confidently lead conversations without second-guessing
  • How to unluck deeper connections by asking the right questions at the right time

... and so much more.

On this call I'll also introduce Project Olympus - my game-changing community where leaders step into their full power. I’m incredibly proud of what it’s become, and I know it can make a difference for you.

This call is for you if you’re ready to stop spinning in the same place and start stepping into something bigger.

Click here - - to join me on Monday September 9th.

Let’s make that shift, together.

Register Here


See you soon!


Warm regards,



P.S. You don’t need to overthink or second-guess anymore. With these simple shifts, you can start leading conversations with confidence, clarity, and ease—every time. Join the call on Monday and discover how to unlock your full potential.

P.P.S. This isn’t just about asking better questions—it’s about showing up as your most powerful, authentic self in every interaction. And if you know a friend or colleague who could benefit from this too, invite them along! Click the link - - to reserve your spot and bring someone who’s ready to grow with you.


Camilla Calberg
Founder, Trusted Advisor - Calberg Coaching

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Helping those who want to help themselves. You Are Unlimited™ 

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