How To Master Your Time And Make Your Goals Happen

#executive #growth #successmindset Jul 14, 2024

Hi Friend,

I'm embarrassed. A while back, I found myself overwhelmed by big tasks and tight deadlines, just like many of you. I realised I was wasting my time and not making the impact I wanted. I wanted to maximise my efficiency to reach my goals and create more time for the people and activities I love. Here’s what I discovered:

1. Procrastination: Despite committing to three wins every day, I often procrastinated on less interesting tasks (like accounting), which would carry over to the following days.
2. Distractions: I knew the importance of sticking to my top three wins, but I often got derailed by a great podcast or a new idea for supporting my clients, resulting in late-night work.
3. Unfulfilled Goals: Sometimes, I wouldn't complete all my wins, leaving me feeling like I'd wasted my time and energy.
4. Mindset and Brain: We think between 60,000-70,000 thoughts a day. I realised that I also subconsciously entertained fearful thoughts that held me back.
5. Intentional Action: Nothing happens by accident. You have to take time out to make your goals happen, and often it's worth seeking guidance from people who've been where you are.


The good news? Achieving efficiency and fulfillment boils down to discipline, a clear purpose and a clear intention. Every. Single. Day. Without direction, you wander aimlessly and feel unfulfilled.

Overcoming Professional Challenges

Recently, an executive reached out to me, frustrated by unrealistic expectations and impossible deadlines. Her experience mirrored my own struggles.

I've felt overwhelmed by demands, making excuses like "I don't have enough time" or "They're asking too much of me." But we both know that excuses are a waste of energy and focus. They don't solve anything; they keep you stuck.

The Key to Success: Take full ownership and responsibility for your situation. You are the captain in your life no one else. Get radically honest with yourself about how you spend your time and the goals you want to achieve. Nothing happens by accident. No one is coming. Own your dreams. Be bold. Stand in your power. Challenge priorities because you care. 


Time Is the Ultimate Currency

Time travels. That "someday" will never come unless you make it happen today. What dreams are you labeling "someday"? What goals are you putting off until circumstances change?

DM me and tell me your dreams. Let's turn those "somedays" into "today" together. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Warm regards Camilla


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1: Camilla Calbergs Leadership Accelerators Program

Do you feel trapped in your current leadership level? Are you silent in aggressive, male-dominated meetings? Are you tired of being the overlooked, overpleasing, and undervalued leader who ends up in the women's gossip club? Do you want results that prove you deserve to be heard? If you resonate with any of these, my 8-week program Authentic Leadership Mastery (ALM) is for you. 

Secure your seat here: 


2: Camilla Calbergs Inner Circle - Only 5 Leadership Slots Open!

Want to make a big impact by 2025? Join Project Olympus! This is a special group for leaders who are ready to tackle big challenges and share their knowledge. It's a chance to show your kids what can be achieved with belief and action. If you're a leader who wants to grow and inspire, apply for a conversation: 

— these last five openings will fill up quickly!


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