The Quality Of Your Life Will Be Determined By The Quality Of Your Leadership Skill Mastery




The Quality Of Your Life Will Be Determined By The Quality Of Your Leadership Skill Mastery




Dear Friend,

If you’re a high-achieving woman leader in the life sciences, adept at presenting a facade of success while battling internal struggles and looking to make more money and have more free time, this may well be the most important message you will ever read.

But first, I need to start at the beginning…

As I navigated through the echelons of international success, consulting for renowned global companies, the perks were undeniable.
Business class flights, private chauffeurs, and stays in the finest hotels weren't just bonuses; they were my reality.

The excitement of global travel, the admiration from peers across the world, and the satisfaction of tackling complex, cross-cultural challenges—it was exhilarating, beyond anything local engagements could offer.

Yet, amidst this external success, I battled with inner shadows.


The loneliness of my early years, feeling perpetually like an outsider, and my tireless pursuit of success in a world that seemed to reserve little mercy for those straying from its norms haunted me.  


The loneliness also sparked an inner fire in me.  

Dear Friend,

If you’re a high-achieving woman leader in the life sciences, adept at presenting a facade of success while battling internal struggles and looking to make more money and have more free time, this may well be the most important message you will ever read.

But first, I need to start at the beginning…

As I navigated through the echelons of international success, consulting for renowned global companies, the perks were undeniable.
Business class flights, private chauffeurs, and stays in the finest hotels weren't just bonuses; they were my reality.

The excitement of global travel, the admiration from peers across the world, and the satisfaction of tackling complex, cross-cultural challenges—it was exhilarating, beyond anything local engagements could offer.

Yet, amidst this external success, I battled with internal shadows.


The loneliness of my early years, feeling perpetually like an outsider, and my tireless pursuit of success in a world that seemed to reserve little mercy for those straying from its norms haunted me.  


The loneliness also sparked an inner fire in me.  

I was hungry to explore what the world had to offer. 

I completed my university degrees in England and Germany.

And I fell in love with the UK that it became my second home – and a cornerstone of how my corporate career unfolded and what I do today.

Despite my professional triumphs, I couldn't shake the nagging question: Is this all there is to life?

Beneath the weight of toxic leadership, I dimmed my own brilliance, silencing my truth in spaces where it mattered most. Caught in a whirlwind of internal conflict, I pondered, "How can I be the change I wish to see in the world?"

Until I discovered just that, I continued to ignite my inner fire.

I travelled solo to Buenos Aires to learn Spanish and signed up for private tango classes.

I travelled solo to Thailand for private golf classes.

And travelled to destinations that I would not recommend any young woman to visit on her own.

If you asked my parents, they would probably say I was a rebel.

One evening at home, as I contemplated my path forward, I crossed paths with not just any mentor but a beacon of hope.

This encounter promised a journey of transformation, resilience, and the unlocking of my true potential.

Faced once more with the crippling doubt that whispered, "That's not for you" and the fear that I was unworthy of joining those who invest in themselves—fearing exposure as having nothing of value to contribute—I decided to fan the flames of defiance within me.

This time, I was adamant about proving, not only to others but to myself, that I could indeed turn the page.

I completed my university degrees in England and Germany.

And I fell in love with the UK that it became my second home – and a cornerstone of how my corporate career unfolded and what I do today.

Despite my professional triumphs, I couldn't shake the nagging question: Is this all there is to life?

Beneath the weight of toxic leadership, I dimmed my own brilliance, silenced my truth in spaces where it mattered most. Caught in a whirlwind of internal conflict, I pondered, "How can I be the change I wish to see in the world?"

Until I discovered just that, I continued to ignite my inner fire.

I travelled solo to Buenos Aires to learn Spanish and signed up for private tango classes.

I travelled solo to Thailand for private golf classes.

And travelled to destinations that I would not recommend any young woman to visit on her own.

If you asked my parents, they would probably say I was a rebel.

One evening at home, as I contemplated my path forward, I crossed paths with not just any mentor but a beacon of hope.

This encounter promised a journey of transformation, resilience, and the unlocking of my true potential.

Faced once more with the crippling doubt that whispered, "That's not for you" and the fear that I was unworthy of joining those who invest in themselves—fearing exposure as having nothing of value to contribute—I decided to fan the flames of defiance within me.

This time, I was adamant about proving, not only to others but to myself, that I could indeed turn the page.

And turn it, I did. 

Embarking on this mentorship, I dove into a world of self-discovery alongside some of the most brilliant minds in personal development.

This journey wasn't merely a chapter; it became a turning point, reshaping not just my career but my entire perspective on life.

Now, almost a decade later, I stand as living proof that such a journey is not merely a fleeting success but a testament to the incredible feats possible when you dare to believe in yourself and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

My mission now?

To empower you - high-achieving women in life sciences who are determined to make more money and have a burning desire to create a more significant impact without having to sacrifice your mental health, physical healthy, your precious free time, or cherished moments with your family.

You can learn to navigate leadership with grace and strength and pass on these transformative skills to those they mentor.
If a novice in personal development like me can do it, so can you.

I am Camilla Calberg. You might know me from social media, radio, and podcasts.

My journey from navigating divorce and healing my daughter to thriving amidst adversity has been more than a personal success story; it's a narrative of deep, meaningful transformation.

I invite you to shed the mask, move beyond the shadows of your past, and step into the radiant light of your true potential.

Look, if a high-flyer from Copenhagen can do this, so can you…

With the right system!

The Calberg Coaching Success System customised to your unique story and future.

Simply click the button below to book a free consultation NOW!

Always committed to your success,


Start A Conversation Now

Embarking on this mentorship, I dove into a world of self-discovery alongside some of the most brilliant minds in personal development.

This journey wasn't merely a chapter; it became a turning point, reshaping not just my career but my entire perspective on life.

Now, almost a decade later, I stand as living proof that such a journey is not merely a fleeting success but a testament to the incredible feats possible when you dare to believe in yourself and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

My mission now?

To empower you - high-achieving women in life sciences who are determined to make more money and have a burning desire to create a more significant impact without having to sacrifice your mental health, physical healthy, your precious free time, or cherished moments with your family.

You can learn to navigate leadership with grace and strength and pass on these transformative skills to those they mentor.
If a novice in personal development like me can do it, so can you.

I am Camilla Calberg. You might know me from social media, radio, and podcasts.

My journey from navigating divorce and healing my daughter to thriving amidst adversity has been more than a personal success story; it's a narrative of deep, meaningful transformation.

I invite you to shed the mask, move beyond the shadows of your past, and step into the radiant light of your true potential.

Look, if a high-flyer from Copenhagen can do this, so can you…

With the right system!

The Calberg Coaching Success System customised to your unique story and future.

Simply click the button below to book a free consultation NOW!

Always committed to your success,


Start A Conversation Now

How I Can Help You


Leadership Coaching

Are you ready to uplevel your leadership style so that you create better life?

Learn More

Speaking and Workshop

Camilla Calberg is a key-note speaker on all topics relating to creating a better, more joyful and happier life wherever you are in the divorce journey.

Learn More

Camilla Calberg Speaking in Paris

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Discovering My Passion and Landing My Dream Job

Camilla brings total commitment to her client and provides a safe, supportive environment for difficult and at the same time very productive conversations.

She is remarkably skilled at peeling back the layers, taking the client on their journey from past to present, to understand 'their why' so that they can have a conversation about the how, the what, the why of the journey forward


Now  I am convinced you are a mind reader 😃 Your last comment was what I was asking myself when the interview was set up. Yes I need money right now, thus may not be the job that ‘fills my cup’. 

I’m going to sleep on these - and then flesh out my game plan that I drafted earlier. You are the best Camilla! ❤️


Every time I have a conversation with Camilla, whether 1:1, group call, or WhatsApp messaging I get so many ideas and insights of what I need to work on and how. When I first connected with her I told her that I needed her 'from the outside in' point of view, as I had been doing work on my 'from the inside out' point of view. I am at an inflection point in my career and want to step into leadership roles and I knew I needed a coach. She understood immediately.


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2750 Ballerup
CVR (VAT) DK30143485

Email: Reach out